Nashville, TN, Oct 19, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – This past April ARMA International announced a Global Partnership with the Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA Global), the longest serving peak body for industry practitioners in the southern hemisphere to better serve the information management profession worldwide. The global partnership between these two leading worldwide organizations provides many benefits to their collective 7,000 members who now have the opportunity for joint membership in both organizations; access to reciprocal resources including communities and professional development, education, and certifications; and advocacy for the information management and information governance profession. Together the two organizations are working together to provide a unique perspective on global information issues.
“Through this relationship we have begun the formation of an international consortium to be voice of information governance globally. This new body is vital to Advocate for the industry and Build a Global Community for the Information Management Profession. By bolstering thought leadership, supporting the career advancement of information professionals by establishing standards and increased awareness; and establishing this global community bolstered by strong partnerships, we will move the industry forward and achieve together, what we cannot apart,” explained Nathan Hughes, Executive Director, ARMA International.
The two organizations have already begun collaborating. Nathan Hughes, Executive Director of ARMA and Wendy McLain, President of ARMA attended the RIMPA Live 2022 Convention, in June in Canberra, Australia, and participate in meetings with the RIMPA Global Board. Anne Cornish, Chief Executive Officer of RIMPA Global and Thomas Kaufhold, Chair of the Board of RIMPA Global attended ARMA’s InfoCon 2022, held this week in Nashville, TN, and participated in meetings with the ARMA Board.
ARMA International (, formed in 1955, is the world’s leading membership organization serving almost 5,000 professionals who manage and govern information in 52 countries. Members represent the community of records management, information management, and information governance professionals who harness the benefits and reduce the risks of information. ARMA provides information professionals with the resources, tools, and training they need to effectively manage records and information within an established information governance framework. Works that are associated with the framework include the Principles, the Information Governance Maturity Model and the Information Governance Body of Knowledge (IGBOK). ARMA recognizes professionals who have mastered these concepts through the Information Governance Professional (IGP) Certification.
The Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA Global) ( established in 1969, represents over 2,000 professionals and organizations in the private sector, Commonwealth, Federal, State and Local Governments. RIMPA Global has active Branches and Chapters operating in all states and territories across Australia and New Zealand. RIMPA Global is the longest serving peak body for industry practitioners in the southern hemisphere and actively promotes best practice, sets industry standards and fosters professional development across all business sectors and educational institutions. Through its international partnerships with other peak bodies, RIMPA Global provides its members with access to an accomplished framework of professional associations. RIMPA Global has strategic alliances with the Information Governance ANZ, Institute of Managers and Leaders (IML), Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Australian Society of Archivist (ASA) and Leadership Through Data.
For further information, contact:
Amy Riemer, Media Relations Representative
978-475-4441 (office) or 978-502-4895 (cell)
SOURCE: ARMA International
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